Pearls and Wisdom

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Red, White, and Stripes

"She is quick, and playful, and curious, and strong."
--Kate Spade

There is nothing more 50s inspired than red, high-waisted, capris.  It also doesn't hurt that they're made by ModCloth, a notoriously vintage site.  Yet, what's amazing about pants like these is that you can play with their kitchiness- making them completely period, or adding a modern twist.  I chose, for once, to mix up eras.  The fuzzy, white sweater is fairly 80s esque and the shoes, though pointed, are fairly modern.  It's an amalgamation of inspirations that create a completely unique effect; me.

Sweater: Aqua
Pants: Modcloth
Shoes: Tesori
Necklace: Out of Print


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